A Trip with the USCPFA to China
In May, 2004, I was part of a special delegation of 10 USCPFA leaders who went to China to help celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC). It was a special treat to participate with delegations from the friendship societies of Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, both in the formal events like the Friendship Forum and in chats on the bus, at meals, and after hours. During the all-day Friendship Forum in Chongqing, we heard about the activities of each friendship society and of Youxie at the national and provincial level, and discussed our common challenges, hopes, and plans.
I hope that you enjoyed my travel pictures from China. Below are links to the pages related to this trip.

Start the 50th Anniversary Trip

On to Dazu County in Chongqing.

Pictures from Tibet

People from the Delegations of USA, NZ, AU, and Canada

Who are the Chinese Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries ? Visit their web site.
All photographs, except where otherwise noted, taken by Robert Sanborn.
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Copyright 2004-2009 Robert Sanborn, This Page Last Updated: June-26-09.